Japanese Sagami delay spray essential product
Originating from today’s 200-year-old legendary formula‼ ️
Just spray it lightly and it will take effect in 30 minutes‼ ️
Effective delay is 20-60 minutes‼ ️
Can improve ejaculation threshold, antibacterial cleansing
Oral sex without numbness makes love last longer🥰
Japanese Sagami delay spray experience pack men's delay spray non-numbing long-lasting energy cream HT
What's so great about Sagami spray? It's said to be non-numbing? If the nerves are not numbed, the sensitive nerves will still allow men to reach the ejaculation threshold in a short period of time. So what exactly is the stable delay? It is understood that the principle of this Sagami spray is not the traditional numbing of nerves, but a combination of Japan's latest neurotransmitter repair technology. The active factors in the spray are used to screen and calm the neurotransmitters of sensitive cells, so that the sensitive cells can be calmed down. Cell nerves gradually transform into normal, thereby achieving a delayed effect.
Effects of Sagami Delay Spray:
This is Brother Hu’s feedback. After using our new Sagami Delay Spray, the feedback is different. It makes my previously frigid girlfriend become passionate again!